Does your business have a website? Then you need to be aware of this important regulatory standard and what it means for your business. This article recaps what we covered in our recent ADA compliance webinar.

Does your business have a website? Then you need to be aware of this important regulatory standard and what it means for your business. This article recaps what we covered in our recent ADA compliance webinar.
What comes to mind when you think about a “modern workplace”? Perhaps the idea of a Google-esque campus with free meals, bring-your-dog-to-work days and comfy couches instead of a staid and structured office setting.
In March and April of 2020, most businesses moving towards a work from home organizational model thought it would be a temporary adjustment.
Is Managed IT Services worth the money? When managed IT services is done right, IT will save you a ton of money.
Boost Productivity After Meetings with New Microsoft Lens Technology
In June of 2019, Verizon released its annual Data Breach Investigations report. This report showed that an alarming 43% of cyber-attack victims were small businesses. Perhaps even more alarming was a study done last year by payroll services provider, Paychex, that showed 1 out of 4 small business owners reported they didn’t use any security...
January 22nd kicks off “National Clean Out Your Inbox Week” and what a great time to get your inbox organized to start 2020! Although you may think that your inbox doesn’t need much attention or you are perfectly okay with a notification reading 2,294 emails, simplifying your inbox can really bring some great organization into...
As the holidays, approach we find ourselves swiping our credit cards more and more often. Yet, with every swipe, we don’t think of the risk we incur. For anyone who has experienced identity theft, you can attest to the time, stress & anxiety of trying to rectify your accounts. Without taking the proper security precautions...
If you follow us on Social Media, you know that October is National Cyber Security Month! In a month full of tricks and treats it is important to be aware of the ways that you can be vulnerable to tricks through your online usage and habits. There is no better time than now, before Cyber...
Although there is still some time left until we must “fall back” and change our clocks there is something about being on-time in the world of technology that we bet you didn’t know about! We recently had a client who could not log into their computers, at all, no matter what they tried. After so...
The end is near, the end of Windows 7 that is. If you follow us on our social media channels you have seen many of our warnings about the end life of Windows 7 on January 14, 2020. These warnings come with the importance of upgrading your hardware to Windows 10 before that date. As...
It is not uncommon that technology within a business is set up and maintained but not evaluated like other crucial segments of the business often are. Recently, we teamed up with other local companies that all have a hand in office technology to inform Lackawanna and Luzurne County businesses of where they need to focus...